Policy for processing personal data of candidates
FHP High Performance , Lda., with head office at Rua Eng.º Ferreira Dias, nº 401-405, 4149-013 Porto (henceforth Responsible for Treatment) will process your personal data, namely the application form, covering letter, recommendation letter and Curriculum Vitae, which can be delivered in person to the premises of the Responsible for Treatment, sent by email or through application submitted on the website https://www.frezitehp.com/en/we-are-recruiting or https://www.frezitehp.com/en/spontaneous-application, in any of the situations, spontaneously or as part of the ongoing recruitment process, be transmitted to us through recruitment platforms and agencies or a similar entity hired by the Responsible for Treatment for this purpose, by consulting social networks or by appointing a third party.
The personal data contained in the application form, Curriculum Vitae, as well as any personal data which you spontaneously decide to pass on to the Responsible for Treatment, either beforehand or during the recruitment process, including but not limited to name, date of birth, age, sex, nationality, marital status, photograph, contact details (e-mail address and telephone number), information on education, professional qualifications, employment history/experience, current salary, driving licence, professional licences, habits, personal characteristics [hereinafter "Personal Data"] will be included in automated files, or in a manual file, of personal data under the responsibility of the Responsible for Treatment.
Personal Data will be processed for the purpose of selection of candidates and recruitment by the Responsible for Treatment, which includes:
a) Collection, registration, storage and updating, when necessary, in the database during the period mentioned below, so that the Responsible for Treatment can contact you in relation to the recruitment process.
b) evaluating your Personal Data for suitability for the post to which you have submitted your application, as well as for other posts, including future posts, which the Responsible for Treatment considers may be suitable for you.
c) Proactively manage your Curriculum Vitae by the Responsible for Treatment if you identify recruitment opportunities that fit your professional profile.
d) Verification of the Personal Data you have provided, including using third party resources (such as psychometric assessments or competence tests) or to request information, in particular to check academic and/or professional references (such as references, qualifications). In these situations, the legal basis for the processing is the consent of the data subject in accordance with Articles 6(1)(a) and 9(2)(a), if he/she provides us with special data, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data (hereinafter "RGPD"). Personal Data may also be processed in order to investigate, exercise or defend our rights in legal proceedings. In this situation the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of the Responsible for Treatment (Article 6(1)(f) RGPD). Your Personal Data may also be processed for the purposes of drawing up and concluding a contract, following recruitment and selection. The legal basis applicable to the processing of your Personal Data is the performance of a contract to which the data subject will be party (Article 6(1)(b) RGPD).
If you do not consent to the processing of your Personal Data it will not be possible for the Responsible for Treatment to include your registration in the system and consider your application, either spontaneously or as part of an ongoing selection and recruitment process.
The Responsible for Treatment undertakes to guarantee the confidentiality of said Personal Data, as well as to ensure their use exclusively for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 3.
Personal Data will be kept only for the period necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. The Responsible for Treatment will delete your Personal Data if no relevant contact has been established with you within 2 (two) years from the completion of the application form and/or submission of your Curriculum Vitae, or after 5 (five) years from the end of the recruitment process, unless there is a pending lawsuit in which the Personal Data will be kept while the process is pending and up to 6 months after a final decision has been made, whichever is the earlier.
It expressly states that the personal data provided to the Responsible for Treatment are true, accurate and will be updated whenever necessary.
You may exercise your right to access, rectify and/or delete your Personal Data in writing by contacting us at dataprotection@frezitehp.com or by post to Rua Eng.º Ferreira Dias, nº 401-405, 4149-013 Porto, Portugal.
Also in writing, for the contacts identified in the previous paragraph, you may request the Responsible for Treatment to limit or oppose the processing of your Personal Data, as well as exercise your right to the portability of Personal Data.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.
Should you consider that the processing of personal data carried out by the Responsible for Treatment violates the personal data protection legislation in force in Portugal, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular the National Data Protection Commission.
Should you need to communicate with the Responsible for Treatment for reasons relating to the processing of your Personal Data, you may contact him/her at the e-mail address dataprotection@frezitehp.com
The Responsible for Treatment may have to communicate his/her data to other companies of the Group to which FREZITE belongs1 for the sole purpose of fulfilling the purposes referred to in number 3. The Responsible for Treatment may receive applications in Portugal and have to send them to Group companies that are even based outside the European Union, in which case the technical and organisational measures as well as the most appropriate legal mechanisms will be adopted in order to ensure the protection of your Personal Data. When the Responsible for Treatment receives applications for vacancies in Group companies with headquarters outside the European Union or when he/she understands that the candidate's profile fits a vacancy in one of the Group companies with headquarters outside the European Union, the candidate expressly authorises the transfer of Personal Data to those entities, members of the FREZITE Group, based in countries that do not have an adequate level of protection and for which no decision of adequacy has been issued, namely, Brazil and Mexico.
In addition, the Responsible for Treatment may need to communicate with individuals or organisations holding information related to her/his reference or application, such as current, past and potential employers, educators and evaluation bodies, employment and recruitment agencies, always within the scope of the purposes referred to in paragraph 3.
The Responsible for Treatment may subcontract third party service providers acting on its behalf (including external consultants, business partners and professional advisors such as lawyers, auditors and accountants, technical support functions and third party service providers such as IT, storage and messaging), which shall ensure the implementation of appropriate technical and organisational measures to comply with applicable law, in all cases for the purposes referred to in paragraph 3 above.
You may consult our Privacy Policy at https://www.frezitehp.com/en/privacy-policy
Company Name | Country | Tax Payer No. | Website |
FREZIGEST, S.G.P.S., S.A. | Portugal | PT507472241 | frezitegroup.com (Holding) |
FREZITE – Ferramentas de Corte, S.A. | Portugal | PT500806500 | fmttooling.com | frezite.com |
FREZITE - Ferramentas de Corte LTDA | Brasil | 01018240/0001-86 | frezite.com.br |
FMT Tooling Systems S de RL de CV | México | FTS151223EC4 | fmttooling.com |
FREZITE – Herramientas de Corte, SL | Espanha | B46167227 | frezite.com | fmttooling.com |
FMT – Frezite Metal Tooling, GmbH | Alemanha | DE256741442 | fmttooling.com |
GOLD Werkzeugfabrik GmbH | Alemanha | DE815496050 | gold-tools.de |
FREZITE, s.r.o. | República Checa | CZ27509338 | fmttooling.cz |
FMT Tooling Systems Ltd | UK | 199 1377 59 | fmttooling.co.uk |
Seri – Sociedade de Estudos e Realizações Industriais LDA. | Portugal | PT502060913 | seri.pt |
FHP – Frezite High Performance, Lda | Portugal | PT508023289 | frezitehp.com |